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    Musings: Mini Orange Chocolate Chunk Cake

    What’s the good word on the Mini Orange Chocolate Chunk Cake? Post your musings here…

    10 Responses

    1. I’ve made these before as cupcakes (I can’t remember exactly what I used when I saw the show but I didn’t have it) and they turned out great. The flavor is AMAZING.

    2. Really? Orange and chocolate together? I don’t love it…. but I guess i should put my faith in Ina.

    3. Katharine- have you never tried it or do you just not like it from past experiences? I LOVED the flavor of these (especially with the zest, so yummy!) I think the orange makes the chocolate taste better and not too bitter like some chocolate recipes can be.

    4. I LOVE orange and chocolate together (Terry’s Chocolate Oranges, anyone? Whack and unwrap!) and I’ve had my eye on this recipe since I saw Ina make them on her show probably years ago. I really hope I can find time to make these. We’ll be visiting J’s parents for a week over Thanksgiving, maybe I could make these for dessert after the feast!

    5. Oh, chocolate and orange is a very good combination. Reminds me of the days I lived in CA and we used to go to Swenson’s ice cream shop when I was a kid. Nothing better in the world than Swiss Orange Chip ice cream (which was chocolate ice cream with an orange hint and chocolate chunks in it). I will be making these cakes just because it reminds me of the old days!! : )

    6. I think I’m going to try this one today in a small bundt pan. It sounds wonderful! Erica, I almost forgot about Terry’s Chocolate Oranges — love those! We used to get those at Christmas when I was younger, I will have to look for them this year to share with my kids, I haven’t had one in years.

    7. I did this in a 6 opening mini bundt pan. It is so good, it tastes like Christmas. It is even better the next day. Invest in some good vanilla bean ice cream to go with it. Yum!

    8. I really, really loved this recipe. I made them in cupcake form and dipped the tops in the ganache. So yummy! And I agree with those who say it reminds them of the Terry’s Chocolate Orange. That’s exactly what these reminded me of!

    9. YUM! These were so good and looked really pretty!

    10. Mine came out very eh. The cake was a little tough though part of it is because i underbaked it, added the syrup, then realized it was underbaked so I stuck it back in the oven…. And maybe I didn’t chop up the chocolate small enough because the chunks pretty much all settled to the bottom of the cake.

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